The mission of Graettinger-Terril Community Schools is to develop competent citizens who will be successful participants in a rapidly changing world. This will be accomplished by providing each student with a challenging, progressive curriculum taught by a dedicated staff in a nurturing environment.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Assignments: May 21-25

Sixth Grade:
M - Review finding surface area of rectangular prisms p585 lesson 10-6
T - Review area of parallelograms and triangles p583 lessons 10-1, 10-2
W - Study guide for assessment pp426-428
Th - Practice test

Seventh Grade:
M - Review surface area of prisms and cylinders p602 lessons 12-4, 12-5
T - Study guide for assessment pp518-529
W - Practice test Ch. 12
Th - Practice test Ch. 12

Eighth Grade:
M - Review volume and surface area of solids p638 11-4, 11-5 #1-4
T - Review surface area of prisms and cylinders p638 lessons 11-5 #5-8 and 11-6
W - Study Guide for assessment pp508-510
Th - Practice tests

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Assignments: May 14-18

Sixth Grade
M - Review finding volume of rectangular prisms p420 #4-14
T - Review finding area of a circle p583 lesson 10-3
W - Name figures faces, edges, vertices, and find volume p584 10-4, 10-5
Th - Review finding surface area of rectangular prisms p585 lesson 10-6
F - Review area of parallelograms and triangles p583 lessons 10-1 and 10-2
Seventh Grade
M - p498 find volume of rectangular prisms practice 12-2
T - Finding volume of cylinders p503 practice 12-3
W - Finding surface area of rectangular prisms p510 practice 12-4
Th - Finding surface area of cylinders p514 practice 12-5
F - Textbook p601  lesson 12-2 (all) and 12-4 (#1-4) finding volume of rectangular prisms and cylinders
Eighth Grade
M - Find area of circles p478 #4, 5 p479 #8-14
T - Find surface area of rectangular prisms practice 11-5
W - Finding surface area of cylinders p499 practice 11-6
Th - Finding volume of solids to the nearest tenth p638 practice 11-4
F - p636 lesson 11-1 #1-8, p637 lesson 11-3 #1-8 Finding area of circles and volume of solids

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Assignments: May 7-11

M - p142 Three dimensional figures SG/Prac 10-4
T - p418 Volume of regular prisms SG/Prac 10-5
W - Surface area of rectangular prisms SG/Prac 10-6
Th - Review surface area of rectangular prisms p423 #8-13
F - Review p420 Volume of rectangular prisms #4-14
M - p600 Set 11-6 continue sales tax/discount set 11-7 #1-9 Finding interest
T - Practice tests
W - Practice tests
Th - Final Test Chapter 11, cumulative review
F - p498 Volume of rectangular prisms SG/Prac 12-2
M - Area of circles SG/Prac 11-1
T - Identify 3 dimensional figures SG/Prac 11-2
W - Volume of prisms and cylinders SG/Prac 11-3
Th - Volume of pyramids and conesSG/Prac 11-4
F - Review area of circles p478 #4,5 and p479 #8-14