The mission of Graettinger-Terril Community Schools is to develop competent citizens who will be successful participants in a rapidly changing world. This will be accomplished by providing each student with a challenging, progressive curriculum taught by a dedicated staff in a nurturing environment.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Assignments: March 5-9

Mon. - Multiply fractions Practice 7-2
Tues. - Multiplying mixed numbers Practice 7-3
Wed. - Finding circumference of a circle Practice 7-4
Thurs. - Dividing fractions Practice 7-5
Fri. - Dividing mixed numbers Practice 7-6

Mon. - Solve problems involving scale drawings Study Guide/Practice 8-4
Tues. - Express fractions as percents and vice versa Study Guide/Practice 8-5
Wed. - Express decimals as percents and percent > than 100 and < than 1 Practice 8-6, 8-7
Thurs. - Finding percent of a number Study Guide/Practice 8-8
Fri. - Review ratio and rates in simplest form text 318-319 #4-33 and 323 #11-28

Mon. - Solve equations and evaluate expressions 624 lessons 7-3, 7-4
Tues. - Review perimeter and circumference lesson 7-6, 7-7 page 625
Wed. - Review dividing fractions and solving equations lessons 7-8, 7-9
Thurs./Fri. - Practice/review +, -, x, ÷, fractions and mixed numbers p.653

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feb. 22 - March 2

Mon. - Add and subtract time p.574 lesson 6-7
Tues. - p.600 chapter review
Wed. - Practice tests ch. 6
Thurs. - Practice tests ch. 6
Fri. - Final test chapter 6

Mon. - Practice tests ch. 7
Tues. - Practice tests ch. 7
Wed. - Final test ch. 7 & Cumulative review
Thurs. - Text 317-323 Equivalent ratios and unit rates study guide/practice 8-1, 8-2
Fri. - Solve proportions p.325 study guide/practice 8-3

Mon. - Solving equations study guide/practice 7-9
Tues. - Solving inequalities pp. 320-321 #3-21
Wed. - Study guide pp. 322-324
Thurs. - Lessons 7-1, 7-2 add and subtract like and unlike fractions p. 623
Fri. - Solve equations and evaluate expressions p.624 lessons 7-3, 7-4

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Assignments: Feb. 13-17

6th Grade
Mon. - Study guide/practice 6-4 Add/Sub unlike fractions
Tues. - Add/Sub. mixed numbers p.248 #4-9 together, assign #12-23
Wed. - Review add/sub. mixed numbers study guide/practice 6-5
Thurs. - Subtract mixed numbers with renaming p.252 #17-31

7th Grade
Mon. - Study guide/practice 7-4 multiplying fractions and mixed numbers
Tues. - Finding perimeter study guide/practice 7-6
Wed. - Finding circumference of circles p.299 #3-7 together, assign #9-20
Thurs. - Review study guide 7-7 circumference assign practice 7-7

8th Grade
Mon. - Study guide/practice 7-3 Multiplying fractions
Tues. - Multiply fractions and mixed numbers study guide/practice 7-4
Wed. - Finding area of triangles and trapezoids study guide/practice 7-6
Thurs. - Review add/sub. positive and negative fractions/mixed numbers study guide/practice 7-2

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Wednesday, February 8:
8:30-9:00 Math Part I
9:10-9:40 Math Part II
9:50-10:10 Math Computation