Sixth Grade:
M - Review finding surface area of rectangular prisms p585 lesson 10-6
T - Review area of parallelograms and triangles p583 lessons 10-1, 10-2
W - Study guide for assessment pp426-428
Th - Practice test
Seventh Grade:
M - Review surface area of prisms and cylinders p602 lessons 12-4, 12-5
T - Study guide for assessment pp518-529
W - Practice test Ch. 12
Th - Practice test Ch. 12
Eighth Grade:
M - Review volume and surface area of solids p638 11-4, 11-5 #1-4
T - Review surface area of prisms and cylinders p638 lessons 11-5 #5-8 and 11-6
W - Study Guide for assessment pp508-510
Th - Practice tests
The mission of Graettinger-Terril Community Schools is to develop competent citizens who will be successful participants in a rapidly changing world. This will be accomplished by providing each student with a challenging, progressive curriculum taught by a dedicated staff in a nurturing environment.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Assignments: May 14-18
Sixth Grade
M - Review finding volume of rectangular prisms p420 #4-14
T - Review finding area of a circle p583 lesson 10-3
W - Name figures faces, edges, vertices, and find volume p584 10-4, 10-5
Th - Review finding surface area of rectangular prisms p585 lesson 10-6
F - Review area of parallelograms and triangles p583 lessons 10-1 and 10-2
Seventh Grade
M - p498 find volume of rectangular prisms practice 12-2
T - Finding volume of cylinders p503 practice 12-3
W - Finding surface area of rectangular prisms p510 practice 12-4
Th - Finding surface area of cylinders p514 practice 12-5
F - Textbook p601 lesson 12-2 (all) and 12-4 (#1-4) finding volume of rectangular prisms and cylinders
Eighth Grade
M - Find area of circles p478 #4, 5 p479 #8-14
T - Find surface area of rectangular prisms practice 11-5
W - Finding surface area of cylinders p499 practice 11-6
Th - Finding volume of solids to the nearest tenth p638 practice 11-4
F - p636 lesson 11-1 #1-8, p637 lesson 11-3 #1-8 Finding area of circles and volume of solids
M - Review finding volume of rectangular prisms p420 #4-14
T - Review finding area of a circle p583 lesson 10-3
W - Name figures faces, edges, vertices, and find volume p584 10-4, 10-5
Th - Review finding surface area of rectangular prisms p585 lesson 10-6
F - Review area of parallelograms and triangles p583 lessons 10-1 and 10-2
Seventh Grade
M - p498 find volume of rectangular prisms practice 12-2
T - Finding volume of cylinders p503 practice 12-3
W - Finding surface area of rectangular prisms p510 practice 12-4
Th - Finding surface area of cylinders p514 practice 12-5
F - Textbook p601 lesson 12-2 (all) and 12-4 (#1-4) finding volume of rectangular prisms and cylinders
Eighth Grade
M - Find area of circles p478 #4, 5 p479 #8-14
T - Find surface area of rectangular prisms practice 11-5
W - Finding surface area of cylinders p499 practice 11-6
Th - Finding volume of solids to the nearest tenth p638 practice 11-4
F - p636 lesson 11-1 #1-8, p637 lesson 11-3 #1-8 Finding area of circles and volume of solids
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Assignments: May 7-11
M - p142 Three dimensional figures SG/Prac 10-4
T - p418 Volume of regular prisms SG/Prac 10-5
W - Surface area of rectangular prisms SG/Prac 10-6
Th - Review surface area of rectangular prisms p423 #8-13
F - Review p420 Volume of rectangular prisms #4-14
M - p600 Set 11-6 continue sales tax/discount set 11-7 #1-9 Finding interest
T - Practice tests
W - Practice tests
Th - Final Test Chapter 11, cumulative review
F - p498 Volume of rectangular prisms SG/Prac 12-2
M - Area of circles SG/Prac 11-1
T - Identify 3 dimensional figures SG/Prac 11-2
W - Volume of prisms and cylinders SG/Prac 11-3
Th - Volume of pyramids and conesSG/Prac 11-4
F - Review area of circles p478 #4,5 and p479 #8-14
M - p142 Three dimensional figures SG/Prac 10-4
T - p418 Volume of regular prisms SG/Prac 10-5
W - Surface area of rectangular prisms SG/Prac 10-6
Th - Review surface area of rectangular prisms p423 #8-13
F - Review p420 Volume of rectangular prisms #4-14
M - p600 Set 11-6 continue sales tax/discount set 11-7 #1-9 Finding interest
T - Practice tests
W - Practice tests
Th - Final Test Chapter 11, cumulative review
F - p498 Volume of rectangular prisms SG/Prac 12-2
M - Area of circles SG/Prac 11-1
T - Identify 3 dimensional figures SG/Prac 11-2
W - Volume of prisms and cylinders SG/Prac 11-3
Th - Volume of pyramids and conesSG/Prac 11-4
F - Review area of circles p478 #4,5 and p479 #8-14
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Assignments: April 30-May 4
M - Final Test Ch. 9
T - pp398-400 Area of parallelograms SG/Prac 10-1
W - p402 Area of triangles SG/Prac 10-2
T - p406 Area of circles SG/Prac 10-3
F - Review p401 #10-12, p404 #9-17, p408 #9-11 Area: triangles, trapezoids, and circles
M - p474 Discount & sales tax SG/Prac 11-6
T - p478 Solve problems involving simple interest SG/Prac 11-7
W - p482 Study guide for assessment #1-36 skip #7, 22, 23
T - Review p598 11-2 percent equation
F - p599 lesson 11-5 Find % change p600 lesson 11-6 #1-6 sales tax
M - Review p656 #1-6, p469 #10-15
T - Prac test
W - Prac test
T - Final test, cumulative review
F - p476 Finding area of circles SG/Prac 11-1
M - Final Test Ch. 9
T - pp398-400 Area of parallelograms SG/Prac 10-1
W - p402 Area of triangles SG/Prac 10-2
T - p406 Area of circles SG/Prac 10-3
F - Review p401 #10-12, p404 #9-17, p408 #9-11 Area: triangles, trapezoids, and circles
M - p474 Discount & sales tax SG/Prac 11-6
T - p478 Solve problems involving simple interest SG/Prac 11-7
W - p482 Study guide for assessment #1-36 skip #7, 22, 23
T - Review p598 11-2 percent equation
F - p599 lesson 11-5 Find % change p600 lesson 11-6 #1-6 sales tax
M - Review p656 #1-6, p469 #10-15
T - Prac test
W - Prac test
T - Final test, cumulative review
F - p476 Finding area of circles SG/Prac 11-1
Thursday, April 19, 2012
April 23-27
M - Using a protractor to measure and draw angles pp580-581 9-1, 9-2
T - Name polygons: determine lines of symmetry and similar and congruent
W - Study guide pp386-388 Understanding and using vocabulary
T - Practice test
F - Practice test
M - Estimate percents using fractions and decimals SG/Prac 11-1
T - Solve problems using percent equation SG/Prac 11-2
W - Making a circle graph text p460 and SG/Prac 11-3
T - Construct circle graph using laptop
F - Finding percent increase and decrease SG/Prac 11-5
M - Graph linear functions by plotting points SG/Prac 10-4
T - Graph reflections on a coordinate plane SG/Prac 10-8
W - Complete function tables, find solutions p633 10-1 & 10-3
T - p656 Ch. 10 #1-6, p469 #10-15 complete function tables
M - Using a protractor to measure and draw angles pp580-581 9-1, 9-2
T - Name polygons: determine lines of symmetry and similar and congruent
W - Study guide pp386-388 Understanding and using vocabulary
T - Practice test
F - Practice test
M - Estimate percents using fractions and decimals SG/Prac 11-1
T - Solve problems using percent equation SG/Prac 11-2
W - Making a circle graph text p460 and SG/Prac 11-3
T - Construct circle graph using laptop
F - Finding percent increase and decrease SG/Prac 11-5
M - Graph linear functions by plotting points SG/Prac 10-4
T - Graph reflections on a coordinate plane SG/Prac 10-8
W - Complete function tables, find solutions p633 10-1 & 10-3
T - p656 Ch. 10 #1-6, p469 #10-15 complete function tables
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Assignments: April 16-20
Mon. - Classify and measure angles SG/Practice 9-1 Text 352
Tues. - Draw angles SG/Practice 9-2 Text 358
Wed. - p370 Naming 2-dimensional figures SG/Prac 9-4
Thurs. - p375 Lines of Symmetry SG/Prac 9-5
Fri. - p379 Determine congruence and similarity SG/Practice 9-6
Mon. - p444 Review finding area of triangles, trapezoids, and circles #34-41
Tues. - p597 Find area of triangles, trapezoids and circles to nearest 10th lessons
10-5, 10-6
Wed. - Review sheet 7-6, 11-1 Area triangles and trapezoids
Thurs. - Area review
Fri. - quiz on area of triangles and trapezoids and circles
Mon. - Practice tests finding %, sales, mark-up,scale drawings
Tues. - Practice tests simple interest, similar polygons, solve percent equations
Wed. - Final Test Ch. 8 and cumulative review
Thurs. - p428 Function tables study guide/practice 10-1
Fri. - p437 Estimate with 2 variables study guide/practice 10-3
Mon. - Classify and measure angles SG/Practice 9-1 Text 352
Tues. - Draw angles SG/Practice 9-2 Text 358
Wed. - p370 Naming 2-dimensional figures SG/Prac 9-4
Thurs. - p375 Lines of Symmetry SG/Prac 9-5
Fri. - p379 Determine congruence and similarity SG/Practice 9-6
Mon. - p444 Review finding area of triangles, trapezoids, and circles #34-41
Tues. - p597 Find area of triangles, trapezoids and circles to nearest 10th lessons
10-5, 10-6
Wed. - Review sheet 7-6, 11-1 Area triangles and trapezoids
Thurs. - Area review
Fri. - quiz on area of triangles and trapezoids and circles
Mon. - Practice tests finding %, sales, mark-up,scale drawings
Tues. - Practice tests simple interest, similar polygons, solve percent equations
Wed. - Final Test Ch. 8 and cumulative review
Thurs. - p428 Function tables study guide/practice 10-1
Fri. - p437 Estimate with 2 variables study guide/practice 10-3
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
April 10-13 Assignments
Tues. - Review % of a number p.580 lesson 8-7
Wed. - Ch.8 practice test 1A, 2A
Thurs. - Ch.8 practice test 1B, 2B
Fri. - Final Test Ch. 8
Tues. - Practice test Ch. 9
Wed. - Final test Ch. 9
Thurs. - Finding area of triangles and trapezoids p.428 study guide/practice 10-5
Friday - Finding the area of circles p.432 study guide/practice 10-6
Tues. - Writing percent as fraction and mixed number p.628 #1-8, 16-30 lesson 8-4
Wed. - Finding percent change, sales price, and mark-up p.628 lesson 8-5
Thurs. - Simple interest and total amount p.629 lesson 8-6
Friday - Similar polygons, proportion and scale pp.629-630 lessons 8-7, 8-8, 8-9
Tues. - Review % of a number p.580 lesson 8-7
Wed. - Ch.8 practice test 1A, 2A
Thurs. - Ch.8 practice test 1B, 2B
Fri. - Final Test Ch. 8
Tues. - Practice test Ch. 9
Wed. - Final test Ch. 9
Thurs. - Finding area of triangles and trapezoids p.428 study guide/practice 10-5
Friday - Finding the area of circles p.432 study guide/practice 10-6
Tues. - Writing percent as fraction and mixed number p.628 #1-8, 16-30 lesson 8-4
Wed. - Finding percent change, sales price, and mark-up p.628 lesson 8-5
Thurs. - Simple interest and total amount p.629 lesson 8-6
Friday - Similar polygons, proportion and scale pp.629-630 lessons 8-7, 8-8, 8-9
Friday, March 30, 2012
Assignments: April 2-5
Mon. - Percent of a number Practice 8-7
Tues. - Estimating with percents Practice 8-6
Wed. - Review ratios, cross products, map scales pp.578-579 lessons 8-1 thru 8-3
Thurs. - Review percent as fractions and fractions as percent p.579 lessons 8-4, 8-5
Mon. - Study Guide pp.398-400
Tues. - Review chapter 9 and practice daily quizes
Wed. - Review mid-chap review and performance assessment
Thurs. - Practice/review daily quizes/practice tests
Mon. - Solve problems involving scale drawings practice 8-9
Tues. - Review p.627 lessons 8-2 Express fraction as percent and percent proportion
Wed. - Review percent equations p.627 lesson 8-3
Thurs. - Review percent as fraction or mixed number and percent as decimal p.628 lesson 8-4 #1-8, #16-30
Mon. - Percent of a number Practice 8-7
Tues. - Estimating with percents Practice 8-6
Wed. - Review ratios, cross products, map scales pp.578-579 lessons 8-1 thru 8-3
Thurs. - Review percent as fractions and fractions as percent p.579 lessons 8-4, 8-5
Mon. - Study Guide pp.398-400
Tues. - Review chapter 9 and practice daily quizes
Wed. - Review mid-chap review and performance assessment
Thurs. - Practice/review daily quizes/practice tests
Mon. - Solve problems involving scale drawings practice 8-9
Tues. - Review p.627 lessons 8-2 Express fraction as percent and percent proportion
Wed. - Review percent equations p.627 lesson 8-3
Thurs. - Review percent as fraction or mixed number and percent as decimal p.628 lesson 8-4 #1-8, #16-30
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Assignments: March 26 - 30
Mon. - Solve proportions using cross products practice 8-2
Tues. - Find actual length from a scale drawing practice 8-3
Wed. - Percents as fractions practice 8-4
Thurs. - Percents as decimals practice 8-5
Fri. - Review proportions, percent and fractions - pp319-320 #4-15, p332 #11-20, #25-32
Mon. - Classifying angles practice 9-1, text 364-365 #4-22
Tues. - Identify polygons, determine if similar, and find missing length - practice 9-2,9-3
Wed. - Classify triangles and quadrilaterals by properties - practice 9-4
Thurs. - Review p372 #4-12 Similar polygons p378 #5-12 Triangles and quadrilaterals p384 #4-14
Mon. - Solve simple interest I=prt p355 #9-20
Tues. - Continue simple interest SG/Practice 8-6
Wed. - Identify corresponding parts of similar polygons and find missing measures Practice 8-7
Thurs. - Indirect measurement involving similar triangles Practice 8-8
Fri. - Review similar polygons p360 #8-15 p363 #7-12
Mon. - Solve proportions using cross products practice 8-2
Tues. - Find actual length from a scale drawing practice 8-3
Wed. - Percents as fractions practice 8-4
Thurs. - Percents as decimals practice 8-5
Fri. - Review proportions, percent and fractions - pp319-320 #4-15, p332 #11-20, #25-32
Mon. - Classifying angles practice 9-1, text 364-365 #4-22
Tues. - Identify polygons, determine if similar, and find missing length - practice 9-2,9-3
Wed. - Classify triangles and quadrilaterals by properties - practice 9-4
Thurs. - Review p372 #4-12 Similar polygons p378 #5-12 Triangles and quadrilaterals p384 #4-14
Mon. - Solve simple interest I=prt p355 #9-20
Tues. - Continue simple interest SG/Practice 8-6
Wed. - Identify corresponding parts of similar polygons and find missing measures Practice 8-7
Thurs. - Indirect measurement involving similar triangles Practice 8-8
Fri. - Review similar polygons p360 #8-15 p363 #7-12
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Assignments: March 19-23
Mon. - Study guide pp.302-304
Tues. - Practice test
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Final Test
Fri. - p.312 Ratios and rates as fractions - study guide/practice 8-1
Mon. - p.591 lesson 8-5 #1-24 lesson 8-6 #1-4, 13-16 Fractions as percent
Tues. - p.592 lessons 8-8, 8-9 #1-10, #1-10 Percent of a number and percent proportion
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Practice test
Fri. - Final test/Cumulative review
Mon. - p.335 Percent proportion Study guide/practice 8-2
Tues. - p.339 Solve problems using the percent equation
Wed. - p.344 Express numbers as large and small percents
Thurs. - p.348 Find percent increase and decrease to determine discount and markup
Fri. - Continue percent change study guide/practice 8-5
Mon. - Study guide pp.302-304
Tues. - Practice test
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Final Test
Fri. - p.312 Ratios and rates as fractions - study guide/practice 8-1
Mon. - p.591 lesson 8-5 #1-24 lesson 8-6 #1-4, 13-16 Fractions as percent
Tues. - p.592 lessons 8-8, 8-9 #1-10, #1-10 Percent of a number and percent proportion
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Practice test
Fri. - Final test/Cumulative review
Mon. - p.335 Percent proportion Study guide/practice 8-2
Tues. - p.339 Solve problems using the percent equation
Wed. - p.344 Express numbers as large and small percents
Thurs. - p.348 Find percent increase and decrease to determine discount and markup
Fri. - Continue percent change study guide/practice 8-5
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Assignments March 13 - March 16
Sixth Grade:
Tues. - Study Guide/Practice Mixed Numbers 7-6
Wed. - Practice Estimation, find product and quotient, circumference p.601
Thurs. - Multiply fractions and mixed numbers p.575 7-2, 7-3
Fri. - Review finding circumference and quotient p.576 7-4, 7-5
Seventh Grade:
Tues. - Solve problems using percent proportion pp.350-351 #4-
Wed. - Review percent proportion study guide/practice 8-9
Thurs. - Review expressing ratios, rates and unit rates p.589 8-1, 8-2
Fri. - p.590 8-3, 8-4 Review solving proportions using scale drawings
Eighth Grade:
Tues. - Practice tests ch. 7
Wed. - Practice tests ch. 7
Thurs. - Final test Ch. 7, Cumulative Review
Fri. - pp.330-332 Solve problems using proportions, study guide/practice 8-1
Tues. - Study Guide/Practice Mixed Numbers 7-6
Wed. - Practice Estimation, find product and quotient, circumference p.601
Thurs. - Multiply fractions and mixed numbers p.575 7-2, 7-3
Fri. - Review finding circumference and quotient p.576 7-4, 7-5
Seventh Grade:
Tues. - Solve problems using percent proportion pp.350-351 #4-
Wed. - Review percent proportion study guide/practice 8-9
Thurs. - Review expressing ratios, rates and unit rates p.589 8-1, 8-2
Fri. - p.590 8-3, 8-4 Review solving proportions using scale drawings
Eighth Grade:
Tues. - Practice tests ch. 7
Wed. - Practice tests ch. 7
Thurs. - Final test Ch. 7, Cumulative Review
Fri. - pp.330-332 Solve problems using proportions, study guide/practice 8-1
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Assignments: March 5-9
Mon. - Multiply fractions Practice 7-2
Tues. - Multiplying mixed numbers Practice 7-3
Wed. - Finding circumference of a circle Practice 7-4
Thurs. - Dividing fractions Practice 7-5
Fri. - Dividing mixed numbers Practice 7-6
Mon. - Solve problems involving scale drawings Study Guide/Practice 8-4
Tues. - Express fractions as percents and vice versa Study Guide/Practice 8-5
Wed. - Express decimals as percents and percent > than 100 and < than 1 Practice 8-6, 8-7
Thurs. - Finding percent of a number Study Guide/Practice 8-8
Fri. - Review ratio and rates in simplest form text 318-319 #4-33 and 323 #11-28
Mon. - Solve equations and evaluate expressions 624 lessons 7-3, 7-4
Tues. - Review perimeter and circumference lesson 7-6, 7-7 page 625
Wed. - Review dividing fractions and solving equations lessons 7-8, 7-9
Thurs./Fri. - Practice/review +, -, x, ÷, fractions and mixed numbers p.653
Mon. - Multiply fractions Practice 7-2
Tues. - Multiplying mixed numbers Practice 7-3
Wed. - Finding circumference of a circle Practice 7-4
Thurs. - Dividing fractions Practice 7-5
Fri. - Dividing mixed numbers Practice 7-6
Mon. - Solve problems involving scale drawings Study Guide/Practice 8-4
Tues. - Express fractions as percents and vice versa Study Guide/Practice 8-5
Wed. - Express decimals as percents and percent > than 100 and < than 1 Practice 8-6, 8-7
Thurs. - Finding percent of a number Study Guide/Practice 8-8
Fri. - Review ratio and rates in simplest form text 318-319 #4-33 and 323 #11-28
Mon. - Solve equations and evaluate expressions 624 lessons 7-3, 7-4
Tues. - Review perimeter and circumference lesson 7-6, 7-7 page 625
Wed. - Review dividing fractions and solving equations lessons 7-8, 7-9
Thurs./Fri. - Practice/review +, -, x, ÷, fractions and mixed numbers p.653
Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Feb. 22 - March 2
Mon. - Add and subtract time p.574 lesson 6-7
Tues. - p.600 chapter review
Wed. - Practice tests ch. 6
Thurs. - Practice tests ch. 6
Fri. - Final test chapter 6
Mon. - Practice tests ch. 7
Tues. - Practice tests ch. 7
Wed. - Final test ch. 7 & Cumulative review
Thurs. - Text 317-323 Equivalent ratios and unit rates study guide/practice 8-1, 8-2
Fri. - Solve proportions p.325 study guide/practice 8-3
Mon. - Solving equations study guide/practice 7-9
Tues. - Solving inequalities pp. 320-321 #3-21
Wed. - Study guide pp. 322-324
Thurs. - Lessons 7-1, 7-2 add and subtract like and unlike fractions p. 623
Fri. - Solve equations and evaluate expressions p.624 lessons 7-3, 7-4
Mon. - Add and subtract time p.574 lesson 6-7
Tues. - p.600 chapter review
Wed. - Practice tests ch. 6
Thurs. - Practice tests ch. 6
Fri. - Final test chapter 6
Mon. - Practice tests ch. 7
Tues. - Practice tests ch. 7
Wed. - Final test ch. 7 & Cumulative review
Thurs. - Text 317-323 Equivalent ratios and unit rates study guide/practice 8-1, 8-2
Fri. - Solve proportions p.325 study guide/practice 8-3
Mon. - Solving equations study guide/practice 7-9
Tues. - Solving inequalities pp. 320-321 #3-21
Wed. - Study guide pp. 322-324
Thurs. - Lessons 7-1, 7-2 add and subtract like and unlike fractions p. 623
Fri. - Solve equations and evaluate expressions p.624 lessons 7-3, 7-4
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Assignments: Feb. 13-17
6th Grade
Mon. - Study guide/practice 6-4 Add/Sub unlike fractions
Tues. - Add/Sub. mixed numbers p.248 #4-9 together, assign #12-23
Wed. - Review add/sub. mixed numbers study guide/practice 6-5
Thurs. - Subtract mixed numbers with renaming p.252 #17-31
7th Grade
Mon. - Study guide/practice 7-4 multiplying fractions and mixed numbers
Tues. - Finding perimeter study guide/practice 7-6
Wed. - Finding circumference of circles p.299 #3-7 together, assign #9-20
Thurs. - Review study guide 7-7 circumference assign practice 7-7
8th Grade
Mon. - Study guide/practice 7-3 Multiplying fractions
Tues. - Multiply fractions and mixed numbers study guide/practice 7-4
Wed. - Finding area of triangles and trapezoids study guide/practice 7-6
Thurs. - Review add/sub. positive and negative fractions/mixed numbers study guide/practice 7-2
Mon. - Study guide/practice 6-4 Add/Sub unlike fractions
Tues. - Add/Sub. mixed numbers p.248 #4-9 together, assign #12-23
Wed. - Review add/sub. mixed numbers study guide/practice 6-5
Thurs. - Subtract mixed numbers with renaming p.252 #17-31
7th Grade
Mon. - Study guide/practice 7-4 multiplying fractions and mixed numbers
Tues. - Finding perimeter study guide/practice 7-6
Wed. - Finding circumference of circles p.299 #3-7 together, assign #9-20
Thurs. - Review study guide 7-7 circumference assign practice 7-7
8th Grade
Mon. - Study guide/practice 7-3 Multiplying fractions
Tues. - Multiply fractions and mixed numbers study guide/practice 7-4
Wed. - Finding area of triangles and trapezoids study guide/practice 7-6
Thurs. - Review add/sub. positive and negative fractions/mixed numbers study guide/practice 7-2
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Wednesday, February 8:
8:30-9:00 Math Part I
9:10-9:40 Math Part II
9:50-10:10 Math Computation
8:30-9:00 Math Part I
9:10-9:40 Math Part II
9:50-10:10 Math Computation
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Mon. - Estimate sums and differences study guide/practice 6-2
Tues. - Add and subtract like denominators pp.240-241 #1-
Wed. - Study guide 6-3 add/sub like denominators
Thurs. - Practice 6-3 add/sub like denominators
Fri. - Begin add/sub unlike denominators p.244
Mon. - Add/sub fractions pp.274-275 #4-26
Tues. - Add/sub fractions practice 7-2
Wed. - Add/sub mixed numbers pp.276-278 #20-35
Thurs. - Study guide 7-3 add/sub mixed numbers
Fri. - Text 586 lessons 7-1, 7-2, 7-3
Mon. - Study guide/practice 7-1 add/sub like fractions
Tues. - pp.279-280 #1-22
Wed. - p. 283 #1-14
Thurs. - p.283 15-30
Fri. - p.623 7-1, 7-2
Mon. - Estimate sums and differences study guide/practice 6-2
Tues. - Add and subtract like denominators pp.240-241 #1-
Wed. - Study guide 6-3 add/sub like denominators
Thurs. - Practice 6-3 add/sub like denominators
Fri. - Begin add/sub unlike denominators p.244
Mon. - Add/sub fractions pp.274-275 #4-26
Tues. - Add/sub fractions practice 7-2
Wed. - Add/sub mixed numbers pp.276-278 #20-35
Thurs. - Study guide 7-3 add/sub mixed numbers
Fri. - Text 586 lessons 7-1, 7-2, 7-3
Mon. - Study guide/practice 7-1 add/sub like fractions
Tues. - pp.279-280 #1-22
Wed. - p. 283 #1-14
Thurs. - p.283 15-30
Fri. - p.623 7-1, 7-2
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Assignments: Jan. 30-Feb.3
Mon. - Practice chapter concepts p.599 begin together
Tues. - Practice test
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Final test chapter 5
Fri. - Rounding fractions and mixed numbers - study guide/practice 6-1
Mon. - Review solving 2 step equations p.584 lesson 6-3
Tues. - Solve inequalities and function tables p.585 lessons 6-5, 6-7
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Practice test
Fri. - Final test chapter 6
Mon. - Practice chapter concepts p.652
Tues. - Practice test
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Final test & Cumulative review
Fri. - Add and Subtract Like Fractions study guide/practice 7-1
Mon. - Practice chapter concepts p.599 begin together
Tues. - Practice test
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Final test chapter 5
Fri. - Rounding fractions and mixed numbers - study guide/practice 6-1
Mon. - Review solving 2 step equations p.584 lesson 6-3
Tues. - Solve inequalities and function tables p.585 lessons 6-5, 6-7
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Practice test
Fri. - Final test chapter 6
Mon. - Practice chapter concepts p.652
Tues. - Practice test
Wed. - Practice test
Thurs. - Final test & Cumulative review
Fri. - Add and Subtract Like Fractions study guide/practice 7-1
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Students may use this site for extra practice and understanding:
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
January 23-27 Assignments
Mon. - Compare fractions and find LCD review p.571 5-8
Tues. - Changing decimals to fractions review p.571 5-9
Wed. - Changing fraction to decimal review p.572 5-10
Thurs. - Practice chapter concepts p.599
Fri. - Practice test chapter 5
Mon. - p.256 #12-23 Functions and equations
Tues. - Review solving equations p.583 6-1, 6-1B
Wed. - Review solving multiplication equations & algebraic equations 6-2, 6-4
Thurs. - p.584 6-3 Review solving 2 step equations
Fri. - Review solving inequalities and function tables 6-5, 6-7
Mon. - Express fraction or mixed number as decimal and probability p.621 6-5, 6-6
Tues. - Finding least common multiple p.622 6-7
Wed. - Compare and order rational #'s and scientific notation p.622-623 6-8, 6-9
Thurs. - Practice chapter concepts p.652
Fri. - Practice test chapter 6
Mon. - Compare fractions and find LCD review p.571 5-8
Tues. - Changing decimals to fractions review p.571 5-9
Wed. - Changing fraction to decimal review p.572 5-10
Thurs. - Practice chapter concepts p.599
Fri. - Practice test chapter 5
Mon. - p.256 #12-23 Functions and equations
Tues. - Review solving equations p.583 6-1, 6-1B
Wed. - Review solving multiplication equations & algebraic equations 6-2, 6-4
Thurs. - p.584 6-3 Review solving 2 step equations
Fri. - Review solving inequalities and function tables 6-5, 6-7
Mon. - Express fraction or mixed number as decimal and probability p.621 6-5, 6-6
Tues. - Finding least common multiple p.622 6-7
Wed. - Compare and order rational #'s and scientific notation p.622-623 6-8, 6-9
Thurs. - Practice chapter concepts p.652
Fri. - Practice test chapter 6
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Jan. 16-20
6th Grade:
Mon. - Writing fractions as decimals Practice 5-10
Tues. - Review divisibility, prime and composite numbers text p.568-569 5-1, 5-2
Wed. - Review greatest common factor Lesson 5-3
Thurs. - Review equivalent fractions, lowest terms, improper and mixed fractions p.570 lessons 5-4, 5-5
Friday - Review multiples and LCM p.571 lesson 5-7
7th Grade:
Mon. - Solving two step equations pp.240-241 #4-28
Tues. - Review two step equations Practice 6-3
Wed. - Writing expressions and equations Study guide/Practice 6-4
Thurs. - Solve inequalities Study guide/Practice 6-5
Friday - Functions and Graphs Study guide/Practice 6-6
8th Grade:
Mon. - Review compare and order rational numbers. Study guide/Practice 6-8
Tues. - Study guide/Practice 6-9 Scientific notation
Wed. - Review scientific notation
Thurs. - Review divisibility and prime and composite numbers p.620 lessons 6-1, 6-2
Friday - Review GCF and simplest form p.621 lessons 6-3, 6-4
Mon. - Writing fractions as decimals Practice 5-10
Tues. - Review divisibility, prime and composite numbers text p.568-569 5-1, 5-2
Wed. - Review greatest common factor Lesson 5-3
Thurs. - Review equivalent fractions, lowest terms, improper and mixed fractions p.570 lessons 5-4, 5-5
Friday - Review multiples and LCM p.571 lesson 5-7
7th Grade:
Mon. - Solving two step equations pp.240-241 #4-28
Tues. - Review two step equations Practice 6-3
Wed. - Writing expressions and equations Study guide/Practice 6-4
Thurs. - Solve inequalities Study guide/Practice 6-5
Friday - Functions and Graphs Study guide/Practice 6-6
8th Grade:
Mon. - Review compare and order rational numbers. Study guide/Practice 6-8
Tues. - Study guide/Practice 6-9 Scientific notation
Wed. - Review scientific notation
Thurs. - Review divisibility and prime and composite numbers p.620 lessons 6-1, 6-2
Friday - Review GCF and simplest form p.621 lessons 6-3, 6-4
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Assignments: Jan. 9-13
6th Grade:
Mon. - Study guide/Practice 5-8 Least Common Denominator
Tues. - Text 215 #4-22 Writing decimals as fractions in lowest terms (GCF)
Wed. - Study guide/Practice 5-9 Writing decimals as fractions
Thurs. - Writing fractions as decimals text 218-219 #3-24
Fri. - Writing fractions as decimals Study guide/Practice 5-10
7th Grade:
Mon. - Practice test Ch. 5
Tues. - Final test Ch. 5 and cumulative review
Wed. - Solving addition and subtraction text 230-231 #4-29
Thurs. - Solve addition and subtraction equations Study guide/Practice 6-1
Fri. - Solve multiplication equations Study guide/Practice 6-2
8th Grade:
Mon. - Numbers as decimals and fractions Study guide/Practice 6-5
Tues. - Finding the probability of a simple event Study guide/Practice 6-6
Wed. - Finding the least common multiple text 258-259 #4-28
Thurs. - Continue review Study guide/Practice 6-7 Finding least common multiple
Fri. - Compare and order rational numbers text 263-264 #4-27
Mon. - Study guide/Practice 5-8 Least Common Denominator
Tues. - Text 215 #4-22 Writing decimals as fractions in lowest terms (GCF)
Wed. - Study guide/Practice 5-9 Writing decimals as fractions
Thurs. - Writing fractions as decimals text 218-219 #3-24
Fri. - Writing fractions as decimals Study guide/Practice 5-10
7th Grade:
Mon. - Practice test Ch. 5
Tues. - Final test Ch. 5 and cumulative review
Wed. - Solving addition and subtraction text 230-231 #4-29
Thurs. - Solve addition and subtraction equations Study guide/Practice 6-1
Fri. - Solve multiplication equations Study guide/Practice 6-2
8th Grade:
Mon. - Numbers as decimals and fractions Study guide/Practice 6-5
Tues. - Finding the probability of a simple event Study guide/Practice 6-6
Wed. - Finding the least common multiple text 258-259 #4-28
Thurs. - Continue review Study guide/Practice 6-7 Finding least common multiple
Fri. - Compare and order rational numbers text 263-264 #4-27
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